20th Midwest Geometry Conference

January 17-18, 2015 at The University of Oklahoma

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General Information

The 20th Midwest Geometry Conference will take place January 17-18, 2015 at the University of Oklahoma, located in Norman, Oklahoma. The Midwest Geometry Conference had been an annual meeting since its founding in 1991 until 2007, it was revived in 2012 at the University of Oklahoma. Everyone is welcome! Minorities, women, persons with disabilities, graduate students, recent Ph.D.s, postdoctoral researchers, junior faculty, and high school math teachers are especially encouraged to participate. There will be no registration fee. Lectures will take place in Physical Sciences Building. There will be a conference dinner on Saturday night.

The conference will highlight recent developments and new research directions in a number of areas that include (but are not limited to): p-harmonic geometry, Lie groups and geometric representation theory, Lp cohomology and nonlinear Hodge theory, geometry and topology of submanifolds, uniqueness in analysis, geometry and topology, geometric flows, stable minimal varieties, complex and Riemannian geometry, metric and differential geometry, conformal geometry, algebraic geometry, geometric measure theory, partial differential equations, geometric function theory, several complex variables, symplectic geometry, mathematical physics, and related problems.

There will also be 20-minute contributed talks for those who wish to speak. Conontributed talks on any aspect of the theory or application of Geometry, Geometric Analysis, or Differential Geometry in the broadest sense are welcome. If you plan to give a talk, please indicate the title on the registration form and send a PDF file of your abstract of less than one-half page to Lina Wu at the email address below.


National Science Foundation


Weiping Li

Shihshu Walter Wei

Lina Wu


Lina Wu


An Equal Opportunity Conference