If you are planning to travel by air, you should book your flight into Oklahoma City (OKC), not to Tulsa. The following major airlines service Oklahoma City http://www.flyokc.com/Default.aspx :
Direct from the United States:
American Airlines flights, US Airways flights, Allegiant flights, Delta flights, Frontier Airlines flights, United flights, Southwest Airlines flights,
Other airlines flying to Oklahoma City Will Rogers World:
British Airways flights, Qatar Airways flights, Alaska Airlines flights, Qantas flights, Japan Airlines flights, Air Canada flights, Air France flights, EL AL Israel Airlines flights, Lufthansa flights, Iberia flights.
The airport is located in the southwestern portion of Oklahoma City and is about 30 minutes drive from Norman (via I-240 and I-35). Airport Express shuttle service is available between the airport and Norman. To reach Norman from the OKC airport, you may take the Airport Express shuttle, phone (405) 681-3311. The cost is $38 for one person, $20 each for two persons, and $14 each for three or more persons.
If you are planning to drive to the University of Oklahoma, the following link may help you to find the perfect direction.
Driving directions to Norman